Choice Pass Pledge Packet

Take the 2019-2020 Choice Pass Survey and completed the pledge!

Students pledge to choose a healthy lifestyle, without drugs or alcohol, for the year. There is also space within the pledge for students and parents personalize the pledge to me more meaningful for healthy choices outside of staying substance free.

Should students not uphold their pledge, they will lose their Choice Pass and by following what consequences students and parents choose and add in the pledge, students will be able to earn the Choice Pass back.

Students and parents will need to complete the parent survey (parents only need to complete once) and the youth survey. Parents let your child complete the survey on their own. At the end of the survey youth will be given the link to completed the online registration. Print, fill out the pledge, and bring it to sign up nights. The pledge will also be available at sign-up nights to complete there. 

Go to to take the surveys and register online. 

Choice Pass Pledge 2019 to 2020

English Pledge (PDF)
Pledge en Espanol (PDF)English Pledge (PDF)