February 18: Signal Peak Kitty Cat
February 18: Signal Peak Kitty Cat
Work stress made us nearly too tired to ski tonight,but the beauty of partner-based sports is that there is always someone to inspire you out the door. We choose to ski Signal Peek, because from its heights we hope to gain peace and perspective from looking down on the city lights. As we broke trail and gained the gentle ridge, John said, “ it is so liberating to live in a place where we can quickly rise to a view point from which we can smile down on our city OR cover it with our thumb depending on each days reality.”After taking in the view we noticed animal tracks who reminded us we are not the only one’s who call this place home. These softball sized paw prints showed no evidence of claws— BIG CAT NEAR BY! After taking in the wild prince and the wild presences that the prince represents we made an important choice. We choose to respect the cats home, we choose to see our selves as guests rather than intruders. We turned our skis down this glittering white mountain that we borrow from the wild world. Turning home after talking with Gunnison's wildlife experts we learned it was a Lynx. A rare and luck find.